put the sliced potato in water in 10minutes
and then throw away water
put them in water again in 10minutes
i'm so sick of wasting times in this step.
a spoon of powder is enough
see if little bubbles before put a piece of potato.
Are you thinking what i am thinking~??
(=너도 나랑 같은생각이지 ?)
let me show you the rope. (요령을 알려줄께)
Dope little piece of potato on the pan,
check that floating above the oil.
bump into each other potatos.
if you hear cracker sounds, it is cooked eough.
Give or take 180℃, somewhere in there (▶LINK)
It is easy, Once you get the hang of it.
(감만 잡으면=적응만하면=once you get the hang of it.)
Texture was over the moon (LINK)
치킨 만들기
튀김가루 200g
닭다리 1.5kg 넣고
한시간이상 재워준다.
재워둔걸 건쳐내고
튀김가루 300g
감자전분 150g
카래가루 한숫가락
후추 넣고 섞음
수분제거를 충분히하지않은 댓가지 뭐....
What's done is done
밥 : 식초 비율 (vinegar ratio)
합한공기에 식초 2스푼(=2T)
알프레도 소스 만들기 (Alfredo source)
휘핑크림 + 우유 + 마요네즈, 파마산치즈
카레 + 우유 섞을때 비율
우유 : 57ml (유리잔 절반)
사리곰당 + 삼겹살 + 마늘
= 돈코츠 라면
we hit it off right away
you don't say (설마,진짜?, 말도안되) = no way
i don't buy it (안믿어요~~)
i am all ears 잘 듣고있어
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