(Ctrl + F 눌러서 단어검색 자주 해볼것)
토익신청은 시험일로부터 한달전~4일전까지 접수 가능
회당 5만2천500원
4일 남겨두고 턱걸이로 접수할경우 5만7700원
2. Changing lifestyles and new technologies
have made the mobile computer industry more ( 상태 )
in many places around the world.
pretentious : 잘난체하다 --- pretend ~인체하다.
committed : commute 통학,출퇴근하다.
to promise or give your loyalty, time, or money to a particular principle, person, or plan of action:
irrelevant : 무관한 --- relevant/럴러번트/ 관계있는
prominent /프러머넌트/ = very well known and important (LINK◀)
"Mobile Phone Works" wants a large share of smartphone market
or 60 percen
to be precise.
(to be happy, to be good, to be honest(=솔직히) .... 전부 뒤가 adj. 이다.)
University students constantly (do) to meet an institution's academic standards and as a result,
are often under great pressure.
괄호안은 확실히 동사가 위치해야함.....일단 정답은 strive
institution (어원 참고 LILNK◀)
설립,기관,시스템, 사회 등등
meet the needs : 필요를 충족시켜주다
meet a standard : 기준을 충족시켜주다.
under great pleasure : 압박을 느끼다.
보기에 있던 단어들▼
exclaim - disclaim - claim
to say or shout something suddenly because of surprise, fear, pleasure, etc.:
예문은 She exclaimed with delight when she saw the baby.
to say you are not responsible for or do not know anything about something:
책임이 없다고 하거나, 모른다고 부인하기=모른채하기
to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it and other people might not believe it:
사실이라고 말하기 although 네가 증명할수 없더라도, and 다른이들이 might not believe it 할지라도 (외롭게 주장하는 그런 의미인듯 함)
encounter :: 맞닥드리다
뜻이 생각안날땐 카운터펀치를 생각할것
encounter problems :: 문제들과 맞닥뜨리다
strive :: 싸우다 애쓰다 = battle, quarrel, combat, wrestle
영영사전 뜻 :: to try very hard to do something.
(quarrel(싸우다) --- squarrel(다름쥐)) 잘 구분할것
strive to keep
strive to their goals
strive to narrow the gap
strive to something
과거형은 strove
The city's new bicycle trail is located on gentle ( )
is easy even for novice riders.
latitude, longitude (위도, 경도) (Link◀)
channel :: 채널, 수로, 관 파이프, 배수구
incline 두가지 의미를 가짐, 공통적인 뜻은 기울다
to (make someone) feel something or want to do something:
(예문 The prime minister is believed to be inclining towards an April election)
to (cause to) slope at a particular angle: (예문 incline your head)
novice/나버스/ = beginner
a person who is not experienced in a job or situation:
imperative /임페러디~브/ :: 피할수없는
extremely important or urgent:
(speaking) to his assistant about his appointments,
Steve said it was imperative
for him
to be present
at a conference
in Tacoma.
(conference : 회의)
Because of the impressive designs of the firm's head architect,
we have obtained a commission
to (oversee) the construction of several buildings.
oversee : 감독하다
overseas : 해외 (발음이 묘하게 다르니 특히 주의)
commission : 수수료, 중개료
a request to do a special piece of work: (LINK◀)
a payment to someone who sells goods that is directly related to the amount sold, or a system that uses such payments:
impressive (인상깊은) --- imperative (=extremely important and urgent)
The notice requesting staff to observe cleanliness in the break room
is posted conspicuously on the wall.
필요한 문장만 요약하면
The notice is posted on the wall.
The notice requesting staff to keep clean
is posted on the wall.
(clean + ly + ness = cleanliness)
(coonspicuously (눈에띄게) = outstanding = obviously = 분명히, 명백히)
The director requested that
a painting in the lobby be taken (off) the wall
because he thought that
it was unattractive.
(un+attractive :: 매력없는)
(take sth off :: remove sth)
(he took off his shoes.)
(The plane took off an hour late. : 비행기가 이륙했다 한시간 늦게)
(take off가 통째로 이륙하다라는 표현)
(위 문장에선,,, 디렉터가 요청했다. a그림이 be taken off되길)
(좀 과하게 쓰면 take off from 을 쓸순있지만 여튼 off를 떼고 쓸순 없음)
("Taking off from school" means to leave school without permission, essentially skipping class)
Ms. Jenkins wrote an email
to ( ) on an early conversation she had...
with one of her clients
at the convenstion.
(대학교에서 봤던 convension center를 떠올릴것!! 뜻은 협회)
follow up (이게 정답)
hold off ( = to not do something immediately) (=postpone)
hold on (붙잡고있다 쭉~~, 기다리다, 유지하다)
cut down
check in :: 이건 호텔 용어라 고민할것도 없이 오답
( ) part of the government's program to enhance road safety,
the driving improvement course is a must
for every motorist.
일환으로써 of the 정부의 프로그램 to 증진시기기위한 도로안전을,
the 운전 향상 코스는 is a 필수이다.
for 모든 운전자를 위한.
(As a part of the, As part of the : 둘다 가능)
Owners of android smartphones
were warned Not to download Softworks applications
from ( any ) Web site
not authorized by the company.
The National History Education Museum
regularly draws in thousands of visitors
who wanna learn more
about world history.
to make a picture of something or someone with a pencil or pen:
to attract attention or interest:
예문 :: draw someone’s attention to something (to 혹은 in을 동반한다.)
Our representative to the annual media convention
was sick yesterday
had to be replaced
by the magazine's editor
at the last minute.
(representative :: 대표자)
A section of interstate 45, from the North Loop
to Interstate 10,
has been closed
due to damage from last week's flood.
(flood 홍수)
This work, which is expected to last at least two weeks,
will likely cost $20 million.
이 작업, which is 예상되는 to 지속될걸로 최소 2주간
은 ~할것같다. 비용이들것같다. $20 밀리온.
두 문장 사이의 정답은 Part of the load must be resurfaced after washing away
오답 문장중 어려운것들
Sign have been posted about the detour.
(detour : 우회로, = to prevent someone from doing something)
The street runs from Lake Holland to the far end of town.
(run : 뻗어나간다.)
The closure of the ( ) segment of the interstate
may cause major delays.
폐쇄 of the 가장붐비는 구역 of the 주간고속도로
는 아마 유발할거다. 주요 딜레이를
(segment 앞은 adj.가 위치해야한다. 헌데 그앞에 the가 있으므로 최상급 est가 위치해야함)
For more details about the ( )
including a map of the affected area
더 많은 디테일을 위한다면 about the ( )
포함하는 a 지도 of the 영향받은 지역의
proposals : 제안
disruptions : 중단
festivities : 축하
distribution : 배포,분포
A movie about a disaster on the sea
was widely (regarded) as one of the most exciting films ever
in the mid-twentieth century.
(ever : 여지껏)
(was regarded 를 포착해야하는게 이 문제의 포인트이다.)
The paintings currently on exhibit
at the Dreamline Art Center
(were borrowed) to celebrate the establishment's first anniversary.
(exhibit /이그Zi~ 빗/)
★현재 전시중이니 시간관계상 빌린게 과거이므로 were를 써야함
currently를 캐치못하면 were borrowed 하고 will be borrowed하고 햇살릴수 있음
긴지문에 있던 표현
My contact at Halliwell Partners
said that
the managers are still deliberating over prices.
(contact : 연락,접촉,중개인)
(deliberating delivery : 의도된 배달)
(often of something bad) intentional or planned:
to think or talk seriously and carefully about something
They really shouldn't be taking this long
since we are scheduled to start working
on two other office spaces
early next month.
An independent research firm published a promising study
on how prescription medicines
can ( shorten ) the duration of some illnesses.
사설(=개별) 리서치 기관은 published(=공표)했다. a 장래를약속하는(=촉망받는) 연구를
on how 처방약들이
can 줄여줄수있는지 the 지속시간을 of some illnesses의.
(prescription, description(설명), subscription(신청,구독))
보기중에 오답단어들
compress : 압박하다(com은 완벽하게, press는 누르다.)
alleviate : /얼리Vi~에이트/완화하다, 덜다
to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe
to make pain or problems less severe:
(severe /서비어/ : 극심한)
tighten : 타이트하게 죄다.
The show became popular
after an online site began giving free gifts
to anyone who could ( correctly ) guess the next episode's guest.
그 쇼는 became 유명하게 됬다.
after an 온라인 사이트가 시작하면서 주는걸 free gifts를
to anyone에게 who could 정확히 맞추는 사람에게 the 다음 에피소드의 게스트를
Many of the exotic ( )
Lesley Radcliffe describes
in her novels
are places she has visited on a previous occasion.
많은 이국적인 ( 것들 )
Lesley Radcliffe가 묘사하는
in her novels에서
은 위치들이다. 그녀가 이미 방문한 on a 이전 occasion에.
(exotic /이그Zㅓ릭/ : 이국적인)
(novel /나~v을/ : 소설)
(occasion /어케이젼/ : 기회)
(occasionally : 가끔씩)
occasionally occasion : 가끔씩 있는 기회 ?
exotic setting이 정답이다.
Flocraft is delighted ( to announced ) that
Ella Suarez has promoted to executive director
플로그래프트는 기뻐하게됬다. to 발표하게 되면서
엘라 수아레즈가 이미 승진한걸 to executive director로
Ms. Suarez has been with the company for 10 years
and her contributions have been invaluable.
수아레즈씨는 이미 있어왔다 with the 회사와 for 10년간
and her contributions는 이미 쭉 invaluable(=귀중한)이었다.
(contribution:기부, distribution:분포, attribution:속성)
During her time as a public relations officer,
she ( ...ly) took on more responsibility,
여기서 답은 progressively 점진적인
her influence in the department grew.
Becoming executive director is the next step forward on her career path.
The conference lecture on ( adj. ) measures to curb indiscriminate bank lending
will be delayed by half an hour.
The 컨퍼런스=학회 강연.. on (시행하기에 대한) to 걸고가기위한 무차별 대출하기를
..은 will be delayed by half an hour 까지
여기서 동사는 will be~ 로 시작하는 한부분
전치사 on 뒤는 동명사가 위치해 줘야한다.
on doing sth 의 형태가 됨
여기서 on은 about이라고 봐도 됨
(discriminate : 차별하다, indiscriminate : 무차별적인)
(measure : 측정하다.=재다, 척도, 법안)
(implement : 도구, 수단)
(bank lending : 은행대출)
(curb : 연석, (=인도차도 사이의 돌)) ---- curve : 커브,곡선 (발음이 유사한데 이게 길게 발음)
(curb : 경계석, 제한하다, 걸고넘어지다.) = limit
The human resources head ( did ) the supervisors
to determine which of the new employees will receive additional training.
인사과 head가 소집했다. the supervisors를
to 결정하기위해 which of the 새 직원들이 will 받을지를 추가 교육하는걸
convened : /컨빈~/소집하다.
adjusted : 조절하다
reunited : 재조직
officiated : 직무수행 하다. = official, office
to be in charge of a sports event and make decisions about the rules of play, or to lead a ceremony or other public event:
책임지다 of 스포츠 이벤트 and make 결정들을 about the 룰들을 of 플레이
or to 이끌다. a 세레모니를 or other 공개 이벤트를.
Troubled by the ( ) drop in value of several major stocks,
some investors began selling their shares in smaller companies.
문제가 되면서 by the (어떤) 하락으로 in 가치에 있어서 of 몇몇 주력 주식들의
some 투자자들은 시작했다 selling하는걸 그들의 지분들을 in 더작은 회사들에서.
to cause someone to be worried or nervous:
effective : 효과적인
instricate 복잡한 = complicated (LINK◀)
having a lot of small parts that are arranged in a complicated or delicate way:
with many complicated details that make something difficult to understand:
careless : 부주의한
sudden : 갑작스런 ★
3. ( ) customers have complained that
the cashier and sales clerks
at the new department store
are rather slow.
★가산명사에서 자꾸 틀림 (LINK◀)
괄호안은 복수 가산명사가 들어가야함
(Several, many, a few 이중에 하나가 들어가야함) + have 하고 이어짐
(Each, All, Every는 단수취급) : Everyone 하고 All i want for christmas is you 를 기억할것
rather 사용법
고객들은 이미 불만이있었다. that
직원들이 오히려 느리다.
부정적인 문장속에 부정적인 걸 인용하는데 그중 더더욱 부정적인걸 쓸때 rather를 씀
12/7 (다맞음)
The survey shows that
people are willing to pay more
for kitchen appliances
that shorten the amount of time
it takes
to prepare a dish.
Expected to make loans
accessible to small business owners,
the new government-mandated interest rates
will become ( adj ) on Monday next week.
(mandated : 위임된)
(interest rate : 금리 = 이율)
become 다음에 오는걸 모른다면 be happy~ 를 생각할것
be 다음은 adj, become 다음도 adj 이다.
As it was expected에서 앞에가 생략되고 Expected로 시작하는 문장으로 보면 됨
The department store held a storewide inventory sale for a month
( )
it could make space for new items.
Production in the factory was halted ( ) to allow a technician to remove a component
stuck in one of the machines.
halted : 중단시키다 멈추다 = to be stopped.
accidentally와 momentarily차이
accidentally는 우연히, 뜻하지않게 라고 해석한다.
기계멈춤이 갑자기 사람이 끼었다던가 , 동맹이가 끼었을경우엔 accidentally가 맞음
by chance or by mistake:
공장생산이 멈춘건 사이즈가 좀 큰편이고 가동중단을 멈추는건 momentarilly가 맞음
(은근햇갈리는 문제)
The manufacturer added a second shift of workers
to ( do ) the newest smartphone model in time its realease in March.
(in time : 제때)
summon /서먼/ : 소집하다. summer summon : 여름소집 ??
call, convene (토익에서 자주 보이는 단어) :: 소집하다.
shift : 교대근무
최신폰을 위해 교대근무자들을 추가했다는건 재때 조립하기 위함이므로
답은 assemble 이 된다.
Local officials will release documentation ( ) information
on how the mayor used govenment funds
during the election last year.
during + 명사 (LINK◀)
뒤에 동명사안됨 (the ~ing는 가능), during 다음엔 가급적 the를 붙이는듯
documentation과 information이 거의 동급의 단어이고
문서 디테일하게하는 정보를 .... 이렇게 해석해도 무난하므로
굳이 detailed를 쓸 필요는 없음
답은 detailing
Forced to cut down its monthly production budget,
the company decreased ( ) by purchasing cheeper raw materials.
강제되면서 to 삭감이 its 월간 생산 예산을,
회사는 줄였다. ( )를 by 구매함으로써 더싼 순수한 materials를
raw materials : 원자재
expenditure /익스팬디춰ㄹ/ : 지출 ---- expend:소비하다----expensive:비싼
disposure : 처분, 처리......암살하다는 뜻으로 쓰이기도함
Whiz Work Electronics is known for its excellent research department,
( ) its quality control system is weak
and needs regulating.
앞문장 뒷문장이 긍정적, 부정적으로 상반되있으므로
( )안은 but과 유사한 단어가 들어가야 한다.
whereas :: compared with the fact that; but:
despite : 뒤에 붇는 건 문장이 아닌 명사하나일때 적합 (but과 유사한 쓰임새는 맞음)
Sanborn Advertising is the firm
( ) media campaigns have attracted the most attention
from young people.
Sanborn광고 는 the 기관(=회사)이다.
걔들의 미디어 캠페인은 이미 이끌어낸 the most 관심을
whose의 용법 (▶LINK)
Most people agree that
companies should comply ( ) environmental laws,
but some believe
the laws are too strict.
(comply with : 준수하다 ,따르다.) compile
The recent rise in hospital admission rates was ( ...ly ) influenced
by a health campaign
encouraging patients
to get medical checkups.
최근 인상 in 의료 admission 률(=입원률)
은 크게 영향을 받았다.
by a 건강 캠페인으로 인해
용기를 북돋는(=격려하는) 환자들을
to 받을것을 의료 검진들
(admission : = permission to enter as a patient = 입원) (▶LINK)
the act of agreeing that something is true, especially unwillingly:
the money that you pay to enter a place:
permission to enter a place:
the act or process of accepting someone as a patient at a hospital or as a student at a school, college, etc.:
It is best to make reservations a few months ahead of the peak traveling season
because ( ) hotels in the area fill up quickly.
(it is best to do : 최선이다. (the 를 안씀))
(peak season : 피크시즌 = 성수기)
(fill의 사용법. be filled wifh로 쓰이지 않음 ▶LINK)
fill은 자동사, 타동다 둘다가능
be filled with, be filled by
위 문장에선 자동사로 hotels fill up quickly 하고 문장이 끝남
(호텔은 가득찬다 빠르게)
( ) 안에 every와 each는 부적합 (따라오는 hotels가 복수이므로 안됨)
every, each + 단수명사
The coupons for the optical shop must be ( )
before their expiry at the end of September.
forfeited /fㅗㄹ f잇/ : 박탈하다 (▶LINK)
to lose the right to do or have something because you have broken a rule:
discharged : 부과하다
cancelled : 취소하다
redeemed : 교환하다 to get something back: (▶LINK)
Quality control workers are ( ly ) trained to check products at every stage of the manufacturing process
and identify any issues.
stringently /스트링젼틀리/ : 빡세게 =strictly
in a way that is strict, severe, or limiting:
causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc.; very serious:
optionally : 선택적
eventually : 결국
potentially : 가능성, 잠재적, 가변저항=potential resistor
The company ( ) compensation in cases
compensation : 상쇄....인줄 알았는데 보상이라고 하네
money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some problem:
돈 that is 지불받는 to 누군가에게 in exchange(=댓가로) for 뭔가를위해
that has been 손실된 or 데미지받은 or for some 문제를위해
Brighten up your celerbrations with your Sky Sparks.
(celebrations contratulations 둘다 끝에 s를 붙인다.)
Wuxi Sky Sparks produces a wide selection of safe and high quality fireworks
that have earned us the Shoppers' Choice Award
and the Global Excellence in Product Manufacturing Award.
Our company has been recognized by the Asian Pyrotechnics Association as the number one fireworks brand in the region.
We are also an official fireworks provider
for world-class sports events.
Independence Day celebrations in the United States,
and other occasions that are held in amusement parks all over the world.
(occasion : 사회적행사)
Present this advertisement from December 16 to 28 at any of our outlets in Sydney
and get 25 percent off
when you buy at least $100 worth of fireworks from our aerial display line.
Don't settle for an ordinary brand
when you can have the best.
Celebrate the New Year with a bang and light up the night
with Wuxi Sky Sparks,
the most trusted name in fire works.
4.What is NOT stated about Wuxi Sky Sparks ?
it has been the recipient of different kinds of awards. (O)
(recipient /리씨피언트 / : 수상자)
It is a brand used at prominent events (O)
(prominent /프라머넌트/ =very well known and important)
It is a recognized maker of quality products. (O)
5.What will happen after December 28 ?
Expiry date is 28th, so after that day you can't get 25 % off promotional offer
The town was once ( )
but after a large shoe factory
became bankrupt,
the smaller companies closed one by one.
타운은 was 한때 (~했지만)
bur after a 큰 슈 공장이 became 파산되고나서,
the 더작은 회사들은 문닫았다 하나씩
accomplish : 성취하다.
advantageous : 이로운 유리한 = advantage
prosperous : 번영하는 --- prospect(전망)
successful, usually by earning a lot of money: (▶LINK)
exclusive 독점
( ) the novelty of the store has worn off,
sales of its products have begun to diminish.
소설같은 참신함 of the 가계는 이미 wear off 됬다.
매출 of its 제품들은 이미 시작했다. to
novelty /나벌티/ : 새로움, 참신함, ....소설같은 (novel : 소설)
the quality of being new and unusual: (▶LINK)
wear off : 닳아 없어지다.
diminish : 줄어들다. 사이즈, or 중요도
to reduce or be reduced in size or importance:
in case : (▶LINK)
even though : ~에도 불구하고
now that
despite : 뒤에 붇는 건 문장이 아닌 명사하나일때 적합 (but과 유사한 쓰임새는 맞음)
Members of the unique
are planning to go on strike this week
to compain of ( )
inadaquate /인애더큇/ : 불충분한 = 안외워질때 >> 애들이 뛰는데는 충분한 이유가 있다.
not good enough or too low in quality :
without having to do
~ 해야만할 필요없이
The rental contract ( ly ) states that
tenants may not refurbish or alter their apartment unit
without permission from the landloard.
그 임대계약은 ( ly ) states한다. that
테넌트들은 may not (가능하지않다) referbish or alter를
their apartment unit을
without permission없이 from the 랜드로드로부터.
contract : 계약
rental contract : 랜탈 계약 = 빌리는 계약 = 임대계약
state : 짚고넘어간다(손으로 찍어서 말함)
to say or write something, especially clearly and carefully:
(영화 테넷 하고는 무관함)
refurbish = republish
alter : 교환?? = Alternating current = AC
landloard : 집주인
refurbish : 다시닦다 = 리퍼폰에서 리퍼가 refurbish 이다.
St. Paul Post to Launch Daily Arts Beat
론칭 하다 Daily Arts Beat를
The St. Paul Post,
one of Minesota's biggest newspapers
...is launching an online-only publication called Daily Arts Beat.
세인트 폴 포스트....
one of 미네소타의 최대 뉴스페이퍼s
...는 론칭한다. an 온라인-뿐인 publication(=출판물) 불리는 데일리 아트 비트 라고.
The publication will ( do ) all major art-related events
happening in Saint Paul and Mineapolis
그 publication은 will ( 할것이다. ) 모든 주요 예술-관련 이벤트들
해프닝하는 in 세인트폴 & 미이에폴리스에서
do에 들어갈 후보
preserve : 보호하다 --- reserve, conserve (to keep and protect something from damage)
cover : 포함하다, 다루다.
apeal : 어필하다
estimate : 평가하다 --- underestimate : 과소평가하다.
such as gallery openings, concerts, and literary readings.
(문학읽기 = literary readings)
literally는 말그대로, 글자그래도 .... 말할때 콕찝어 말할때 씀
Tina Rodriguez, Sam Duncan,
and several other notable journalists
will be joining Daily Arts Beat
as staff writers.
(notable: 주목할만한 == notice that...)
More ( ) will occur in the coming weeks.
더 많은 ( )가 will 발생할것이다. in the 다가오는 주들에.
counseling : 사랑의 카운셀링, 상담하는
analyzing : 분석하는. 애널라이징하는
The Web site has not offically launched yet
but some details about its layout
have been released.
It ( ) a page
for videos, an events calendar,
and gallery slideshows.
All of the web site's content will be exclusively available
to subscribers of the St. Paul Post.
(it will do a page)
(it will be a page)
이런식으로 되야 맞음. 어쨎든 will은 써야함
( )
More information will become available soon.
Expresses for travel and accommodations
during business trips
are fully ( )
but must be supported by receipts.
비용s for 여행 and accommodations를 위한
during 비지니스 트립동안
are fully (adj)
but must be 지원된다 by 영수증으로
accommodations (▶LINK)
a place to stay, esp. a hotel room:
fully (환불된다.) 의 의미를 갖는다.
fully refundable = reimbursable = 환불가능한
reimburse (▶LINK)
to pay back money to someone who has spent it for you or lost it because of you:
to give back the amount of money that someone has spent:
문제 보기중 reimbursing이 있는데 이게 답이되려면 뒤에 objec가 붙어야한다.
I count on his exactitude in reimbursing my expenses for postage and franking of his letters.
(count on you = rely on you = 믿다, 의지하다)
(exactitude:정확성 = exactly)
The staff were reminded to avoid installing unnecessary software programs
on their computers.
(avoid doing 한세트로 기억할것)
At the keynote speaker's ( ),
the seminar organizer made arrangements with an audio-visual rental company
to supply needed equipment.
at the 키노트 스피커의 ( )에서,
the 세미나 organizer는 made arrangements 했다. audio-visual(=시청각) 랜탈 컴퍼니
to 공금하기위해 needed equipment를.
address : 주소 연설 (▶LINK)
discourse : 담화
the use of language to communicate in speech or writing, or an example of this:
capacity : 수용, 용량, = capacitor
I'm on my wat to the Flood Building.
Should be there in 20 minutes.
Where are we meeting?
There's a cafe on the first floor.
Just wait inside.
We have 2 hours before the seminar starts.
(start, fill 등등은 자동사)
I'm really looking forward to this seminar.
Any special reason why?
Well, with all the cases of food poisoning
being reported in the news lately,
food safety is huge concern these days.
Oh, yeah. You can say that again. Do you know who's presenting.
(present : 발표)
Dan Weaver. You may remember him from before.
(may 가능성 있겠네)
Sure I do. He spoke at one of our seminars last year.
Yup, that's him. He's pretty knowledgeable.
All right, I just arrived. I'll go ahead and get us a table. See you in a bit.
4.What will Ms. Lloyd most likely do next?
I just arrived. 는 막 도착했다는거고
미팅장소로 이야기한 cafe on the first floor.에 도착했다는 뜻
5. At 8:30 am,
what does Ms. McKay most likely mean
when she writes "You can say that again?"
맥케이가 Any special reason why you are really looking forward to this saminar ??
하고 물어보고있다.
릴로이가 food poisoning being reported in the recent news 때문이라고 함
맥케이는 food poisoning에 대해 듣고싶어함
맥케이는 food safety에 관심있어함
Dear Mr. Mewell,
The England Wildlife Society thanks for your ( ).
Because of the many generous donations
we received this year,
we have been able to fund several key projects.
잉글랜드 야생(동물) 협회는 고마워한다 .for your ( )
because of the 많은 관대한 도네이션들때문에
우리가 받은 올해에,
우린 이미 쭉 able to fund할수있었다. 몇몇 키 프로젝트들에.
For instance,
we have secured federal protection for an area of land north of Leeds
built a new research center in Liverpool.
우린 이미 secured했으며 연방보호를 for an구역을 위한 of land north of Ledds의
지었다. a new 리서치 센터를 in 리버풀에.
( )
While we have achieved many goals,
our work is far from over.
( ) continue offering programs
that inspire people to value nature,
we require additional support.
While우리가 이미 이룩한 반면 많은 목표들을,
우리 work는 멀었다 from over하려면(=끝나려면)
( ) 계속하기위한수단으로 제공하는 프로그램들을
that 영감을주는 사람들에게 to 자연가치
우린 요구한다. 추가적 지원을.
(continue doing = start doing)
(in order to = so as to)
(inspire :: to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it:)
Please visit xxx.???.com
for donation instructions
and a list of our ( ) projects.
(다가오는 or 지나간 + project가 적합나다.)
(보기에선 다가오는 밖에 없음)
upcoming : 다가오는
revoked : 취소된=취소상태인
concluded = conclusion:결론
adjourned = postponed.
Money donated today
will be allocated to these endeavors
once they get under way next year.
돈 donated된 오늘
은 will be allocated된다. to endeavors
(endeavor /인데버/ 노력 = effort )
일단. they 시작되면 next year.
(get underway = to begin to happen:)
Once again, we appreciate your support.
In a recent survey,
a majority of the staff said
they were pleased ( ) they managerial style of their supervisor.
(be pleased with : ~로 만족하다, 기쁘다)
( ) Lester was designated head of the human resources department,
he was working as lead supervisor at the company's Wichita plant.
괄호안에 Although와 Before중 틀린답을 찍음 ㅠ
As supervisor,
Mr. Mendoza ( ly ) reviews procedures for product inspection
to ensure that all finished items are of the highest quality.
Mr. 맨도자는 ly 리뷰했다. procedures를 for product inspection을 위해
to 확실히 하기위해 that 모든 finished items가 of the 최고 퀄인지.
(inspect = in+spectacle : 얀경으로 들여다보다 = 검사하다)
Why was the article written?
>>we'd like people to visit our shop(=Nostalgia Corner)
What does the article suggest about The Nostalgia Corner?
>>Each piece is also tagged with information << 여기가 중요포인트
What does proprietors want to do within a decade?
Paris, June 5
- After seeing the beautiful collection of home furnishings
decorative items at The Nostalgia Corner
in Place d'Aligre,
visitors agree that it is necessary stop for anyone
interested in antiques.
Established two years ago
by Parisian antique collectors Jeremy Almary & Sandra Baude,
the shop features European pieces
dating back to the 17th century.
What is fascinating about
this shop is the effort it puts into displays
이 숍은 노력한다 it puts into 디스플레이에
(fascinating : 매력적)
Items are arranged
according to the part of the world
they come from.
Each piece is also tagged with information
about its composition, style,
and the period in which it was made,
thus allowing customers to appreciate the item even more.
(composition : 구성)
(the period in which it was made)
(기간 in which 그게 만들어진)
(appreciate : to understand a situation and realize that it is important:)
"We would like people
who visit our shop
to be delighted by the beauty and artistic worth of our collection"
Baude said.
Because of this,
The Nostalgia Corner has become not only a store,
but also a must-see attraction for travelers to Paris
노스텔지아 코너는 이미 됬다 not only a store가
but also a 반드시 봐야할 attraction이 for 여행객들 to Paris
With the business doing well,
the proprietors plan to expand their collection
with some antique pieces from East Asian countries.
(expand : 확장)
"Within the next 10 years,
we hope to provide our customers with a larger selection of antiques,
including items from China and South Korea,"
Baude added
Novak & Worley is holding a going-out-of-business sale
for one week only
beginning August 21.
(hold : 계최하다.)
(going-out-of business : 폐업)
The owner is closing the doors to his ( ) permanently
relocating overseas.
(relocating : 다시 locating 하다.)
Men's and women's quality apparel for formal, professional, and casual occasions
is now on sale.
(occasion : 기회)
We also have the finest belts, ties, and hats, all at rock buttom prices.
(finest : 미세한 ?? , 최고급)
( ), our discounts range from 30 to 90 percent.
(앞의 buttom prices을 좀더 구체적으로 30~90퍼 디스카운트라고 명확히 하고있다.)
If you are looking to save money
on great, classic business looks,
( ) fast because the sale probably won't last the week.
(last 남겨두다.)
명령문이라 fast앞의 괄호는 바로 동사원형으로 시작한다.
Bask in clear blue waters at Mangrove
The candidate ( ly ) won the election
Although food critics initially ( ) about
(critics : 치명적??)
The memo reminded staff members
that the conference room on the third floor
is to be used ( ly ) for meetings of managers and board.
그 메모는 상기시켰다 스텝 맴버들
that the 회의룸 on the 3층
은 to be 사용된다. ( 단독으로 ) for 미팅들을위해 of 매니저들 and the board(=이사회)
( 여부 ) Jasmine Perfumery will launch its new fragrance this month
depends on readiness of the staff
in charge of the campaign.
(여부) 자스민 퍼퓨머리 will 론칭할꺼다 its 새 fragrance(=향기)를 이번달에
는 달려있다. on 신속함 of the 스테프의
in charge of the 캠패인 담당을 맡은
Winners of the Grape Fizz Beverage Company's raffle
may collect their winnings
at the company's headquarters
or receive an ( equivant ) prize in kind.
equivalent : 상응하는
수상자들 of the Grape Fizz Beverage Company's 추첨
은 may 모을꺼다 their winnings를
at the 본사에서
or 받을꺼다 a 상응하는 상을 현물로
raffle /래fㅡㄹ/ = /라f을/ : 추첨 == 로또같은 느낌
in king : 현물, 금전이 아닌 것으로..... 를 뜻하는 영어표현
Both managers and staff ( )
from the workshops designed by a psychological institute to improve relationships within the workplace.
매니저 & 스태프 둘다
The purpose of the survey
is to obtain data
from ( ) respondents
to determine whether
there is a market for camping gear.
The chairman ( noticed ) investors that
issues and problems raised
during the meeting
would be followed up with regular updates.
( ) the foreign delegates arrive at the airport,
volunteers will bring them
to their assigned hotel
inform them of the day's activities.
Dr. Max Miller of the research and development department
will give a presentation
on the result of a series of experiments
aimed at increasing the strength
of steal beams.
(steal beam : 철강)
All department directors and managers are (required)
to attend his talk on Thursday,
(여기서 talk은 연설, 가끔 talks는 회담)
Dr. Miller's (findings) will form the basis of our 10 years marketing strategy.
밀러의 발견들은 will 형성할것이다. 기반을
여기서 findings는 발견들 = 연구결과들
Senior management does not believe
any department will be able to draft a budget
for the coming year
without this information.
(draft : 초안, 프로선수들 입다전에 드래프트를 한다고함)
( ), attendance by all department heads is mandatory.
(mandatory : 필수적)
nevertheless : 그럼에도 불구하고
nonetheless : 그렇더라도 (▶LINK)
consequently : 따라서
If you have a scheduling conflict,
please see Jane Clark
to set up a separate brifing.
Otherwise, we will expect your presence this Thursday.
(scheduling conflict : 일정충돌)
(separate brifing : 개별 브리핑)
(presence :참석)
A new contractor was hired
to oversee construction of the company's manufacturing facility
( ) the one... hired earlier ... backed out.
(back out : 물러나다)
to decide not to do something that you had said you would do: (▶LINK)
누군가... hired된 일찍이 ...가 backed out (하고나서)
새 contractor가 was hired됬다.
to 위에서 보기위해(=감독하기위해) construction을 of 회사 생산 시설
A consultant can assess the professional needs of a company
help ( 동사원형 ) the training programs required
to improve employees' skills.
Sync Online has delivered copies of contracts
to ( ) the parties who were involved in the online music venture.
싱크 온라인은 이미 넘겼다. 카피들을
to ~ 에게
each, much, several + of the 명사 형태로 쓰인다.
all the something 으로 쓰여야하므로 all 이 정답
( ) your child to a fun and exiting educational vacation.
All staff members ( ) to submit a detailed report of their weekly activities
and accomplishments every Friday
before leaving the office.
여기서 포인트는 is required to do 형태를 기억해야함
Upon learning of the earthquake,
the president flew to the area to console the survivors and give them ( ) of his support.
upon ~ing : ~하자마자
reassure : 확신하다 ?
서브 세톱박스 몇년 썼나
설치날짜 몇년도인지
25년 1월 24일에 해제
약 3년 8개월 사용
6년쓰면 기기값 더이상 안나감
All staff members (are required)
to submit a detailed resport
of their weekly activities
every friday
before leaving the office.
(accomplishment : 성과, 업적)
Upon learning of the earthquake,
the president flew to the area
to console the survivors
give them ( ) of his support.
(upon ~ing : ~하자마자 upon arrival : 도착하자마자)
(fly to : ~로 날아가다. flew는 fly의 과거)
(콘솔게임 : 위로해주는 옛날게임 ~ : 여기서 온 단어가 console)
give them + 명사 :: show me the money의 형태를 기억할것
reassurance : 안심시켜주는말 (▶LINK)
words of advice and comfort intended to make someone feel less worried:
The art center's Web site (features) an interactive panoramic viewer
that gives visitors a complete picture of ongoing exhibits.
(interactive : 상호작용식)
(panoramic viewer : 파노라마식 뷰어)
(ongoing exhibits : 진행중인 전시)
(feature : 특징을 띠고있다.)
The Humphries Business Training Center
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