2021년 11월 30일 화요일

PlaceWar(=Fortress NFT Version)


추억의 포트리스가 NFT버젼으로 나왔다고 하네요
X2Game에서 출시간건아니고
타 게임회사에서 포트리스의 컨셉을 따왔다고 합니다.

How to enter our DEMO giveaway 🔥
[Updated] Rewards and Giveaway Mechanics

Alongside the release of the demo, the PlaceWar management decided to increase the giveaways for the community. Everyone will have the chance to win with our 200 NFT Tanks & a $1000 prize pool! 😎

🎮 Step 1: Download and Play
🎥 Step 2: Record game (Use a screen recorder)
🐥 Step 3: Tweet and Upload the recorded clip. Flex your PlaceWar's tanks best shot and angle gameplay on your Twitter and tag 3 friends or known people in the Blockchain & Crypto space "$PLACE, @placewar_game in the caption with your amazing comment/review"
Step 4: Make sure you fill out this form: https://forms.gle/nzhzXAU5veifSjri7
Good luck, Placedonians! 👏🏻 Stay tuned for the latest news and updates about PlaceWar by following our official social media handles. 💥

Submission deadline: November 30, 2021, 12:00 UTC
NFT & Prize distribution: TBA


속성뭔지알려달라:우리도협의중이다 카드에 칼달린거뭐냐: 우리도개발중이다

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