2023년 2월 10일 금요일

Adding an External Disk to a Raspberry Pi and Sharing it Over the Network (=라즈베리파이에 USB 연결하기)



Adding an External Disk to a Raspberry Pi and Sharing it Over the Network

There are three main choices here, NFS, AFS, and SMB, and which you choose depends on how and where you’re intending to access the NAS from, so we’ll walk through all three.

Formatting your Disk

While it is pretty much never the most optimal choice, you should still probably format your external disk using the ubiquitous FAT32 format.

~인반면 it is 꽤많이 never the most optional choice, 넌 should 여전히 probably 포멧해야한다. 네 external disk를 using the만연한 FAT32형태로.

It’s old, rather slow, and imposes a maximum file size of only 4GB. 

However it’s still the easiest way to get cross-platform support 

between Linux, Windows, and Mac. 

하지만 이건 여전히 the 가장쉬운방법 to get 교차플랫폼 지원을 얻기위한

between 리눅스, 윈도우 등등 사이에서.

If you ever want to unplug the drive from your new Raspberry Pi NAS system, it’ll make things a lot easier if the drive is FAT32 formatted.

만약 네가 지금껏 원했다면 unplug the 드라이버를 from RPi로 부터.

it'll make things a많이 더 쉽게, if the 드라이브가 FAT32로 포멧됬을때.




If you’re using Windows formatting the disk is only a little bit more complicated. While if you don’t have a Mac or Windows laptop to hand, or you just feel like it, you can also format the disk directly from your Raspberry Pi, although you may first need to install the dosfstools package.

Go ahead and plug in your external drive, and type the following.

$ sudo apt-get install dosfstools
$ sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1 -n USB

Although be aware that if the disk is already formatted it might automatically be mounted by (more recent) versions of Raspbian, and you might have to unmount it before formatting.

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